Friday, June 8, 2012

Isn't She Lovely?

Isn't she wonderful? Isn't she pretty? Oh yes I'm in love with this beautiful beast of a bike. It all started on our way to Vail last winter. They closed the canyon due to icy roads and we had to stop in Glenwood Springs CO. It was there that we were introduced to their local bike shop The Gear Exchange. I had never seen a Surly before. The guys at the shop let us take their personal Surly's out joy riding in the snow. They offered us some fine beverages when we got back and 2 Colorado beers later they made me an offer I couldn't refuse and I walked out with this bad girl. Total impulse buy yes, and I have had zero regrets. 

You see this bike has made me think about cycling differently. For me it was always a car ride to a trail head, bike single track, drive home. Or go on a road ride, warm up, do some interval training, cool down. Now that I've got kiddos, its a bit tougher to get out biking, this has been such a fun ride and a great incentive to get out. My kids are too heavy to tow with my road bike and the gearing on this Pugsley is perfect.

This bike was originally built for racing in the snow. You can ride it anywhere, and I do. I've ridden single track in Gooseberry Mesa, UT and Fruita, CO. I frolicked in the snow in Vail and here in Utah, but lately she's been my get around town with the kids bike. Crap! Looks like I'm wearing out the tread on these beefy tires. I'll have to suit my baby up with some surly road tires soon

See, fatties do fit fine

Large Marge Tires

I asked the guys at the shop in Glenwood to feminize it a bit for me. I like what they came up with. 

Here is my main set up with my Pugsley towing a chariot. Oh look were on the trail where the dog lovers told us their humble opinion. Hmmm looks like its been painted over. 

 It seems that when I get the boys out on a ride to start the day, they (and we) fight less. 

Ty sleeps soundly

Sometimes its rough on the road, sometimes its exhilarating as you can see.

Ty and Lance after a chocolate bar in the chariot

Sunday, June 3, 2012

First time for everything

I did an awesome road ride up Emigration Canyon. The weather couldn't have been nicer and the scenery was beautiful. I wasn't alone, many other cyclists out as well. I happen to pass one going up the climb

"Is that the top?" Asks this woman as I go by.
"No, its the home stretch but it gets a bit steeper towards the top" I answer
"Oh no, this is my first bike ride, I'm a runner, but this is really hard"
"First bike ride?! You are doing awesome! If you made it this far you can do it, just keep going"

Sure enough I saw her at the top...

Me, Rachel, and sister Alli

Meet Rachel, mom of 3 (including 22 month old twins) and she decides to take on Emigration for her first ride. Totally inspiring. I love it when people dig in and just go for it. 

On the way home I noticed some creative artwork. A Banksy original perhaps?

Come on. Thats not nice. Can't we have both? I'm sure these are the same people that don't pick up their dogs doo doo and leave it on the trail for me to ride through. Crap, I should have brought my spray paint with me today. My tag would say:


Lets keep it friendly huh 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Biker Tan

Sexy No? No, not really. But a sense of accomplishment nonetheless. No doubt it takes logging some serious miles to get a tan this pretty